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GHG Modeler

Answering Key Business Questions

–  How do I calculate our organisation’s carbon footprint?

–  Which business processes are responsible for most emissions?

–  Which products have the greatest environmental impact?

–  What is the environmental cost-to-serve our customers?

–  How do I identify improvement opportunities?

–  How can I analyse and report the results?


Building your GHG Inventory

GHG Modeler™ combines a proven business modeling approach with the internationally-accepted protocols for defining and measuring GHG emissions.  The step-by-step approach guides you in identifying

and quantifying both direct and indirect emissions to build your organization’s GHG inventory or carbon footprint.  GHG Modeler™ has built-in conversion factors, both local and international, which ensure a consistent and accurate assessment.  Flexible tables enable you to develop industry-specific measures and conversion factors if required.

Direct and Indirect Emissions

The GHG Protocol Initiative has defined Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions which represent the degree to which the organization can influence and control.  GHG Modeler enables you to identify and report separately on the classification of emissions as well as supporting the complexity of supply chain modeling through to the level of individual product life cycles.

Analyzing and Reducing Emissions

GHG Modeler™ allocates emissions to your organization’s key activities and businesses processes before tracing them through to the customers and products which consume them.  Through built-in OLAP functionality you will understand how you business generates its carbon footprint through the combination of internal processes and external demand.  This unique insight can highlight opportunities for reducing emissions and provide the basis for long-term, sustainable reduction strategies.

What Reports are Available?
  • Standard Reports – standard reports built into GHG Modeler™ cover many of the most common reporting requirements.
  • Executive DashboardGHG Modeler™ has a customizable dashboard report which has been developed in MS Excel.
  • Carbon Disclosure Project – reports to answer every question in the 2011 CDP Response Form.
  • OLAP ReportingGHG Modeler™ generates OLAP cubes at the touch of a button.  With seamless integration into MS Excel 2007, the cubes can be analyzed using the Pivot Table and Pivot Chart tools.  GHG Modeler™ can also export fact tables and schema details for any other OLAP applications such as Cognos, Business Objects, Hyperion or SAS.
Features & Benefits

Business Modelling Environment:  Supports structured carbon modelling consistent with international best-practise controls

Standard Conversion Factors:  Ensures rapid model development whilst maintaining accuracy and consistency

Flexibility:  Enables industry-specific, custom measures and conversion factors to be built

Templates:  Rapidly define data collection templates for key data

Built-In Validation:  Enforces logical consistency and integrity of the model

Pre-Defined Reports:  Standard reports answer 90% of requirements

OLAP Cube Integration:  Supports drill down and slice & dice capabilities

MS Excel Integration:  Reporting & analysis within a familiar environment

Multiple Periods & Scenarios:  Track changes and improvement initiatives, evaluate alternative scenarios



Operating System:  MicrosoftWindows XP with Service Pack (SP) 2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, or later operating system

MS Office:  MS Office 2007 Professional, Professional Plus, Enterprise, Ultimate edition SP1

Hardware:  Single Core 2.6Ghz processor, 512Mb RAM, 3Gb HDD disk space, 1024 x 768 display resolution (1280 x1024 preferred)



For more information contact info@bpslink.com